My politics

I’m pretty simple.

Leave me the f*ck alone. Leave other people alone. You do you as so long as it doesn’t hurt me or my family.

Yes, personal liberty is more important than everyone’s feelings about personal liberty. It’s more important that a flu that has a 99.98% survival rate. It’s more important than the selfish jealousy of mentally poor people, jealous of other wealthier peoples stuff. Mind your f*ck buisness, Prick.

Whether I am wealthy or not is none of your GD buisness and I don’t owe you or your mentally weak community a damn thing.

In other words, f*ck your communism, your fascism, your individually inferior beta-male authoritarianism. Where you need a mob and a punk bi*ch gang, majority rule, in order to enforce your views and beliefs on others.

Republicans are spineless frauds.

Democrats are closet communist racists and two-faced hypocritical human trash

Libertarians as a whole are punk passive cowards that just get f*cked all the time and are okay with it…

Party loyalty is for the mentally and emotionally weak cowards and don’t even know who they are and need some party to define them.

Be an individual. Vote independently and for WHO THE F*CK EVER isn’t a fraud, fake, and share exactly what you believe in.

That’s my political view.

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