Abbott V. Beto

Listen, I’m an outsider. I’m not republican and I’m not democrat. The guy I wanted for Texas Governor didn’t make it, so, like everyone else, I’m stuck with these two options. Since both suck, I want to vote AGAINST the WORST option. So, let’s figure out who the WORST is:

First, I am going to identify the current issues that are of most importance to me, and why:


I will briefly discuss the issue, then look over what all the candidates have said and done about it. I award “Red Flags” 🚩 to problematic views that I either disagree with or are flat out stupid. The one with the most Red Flags is officially the Worst of the Worst, and that is who I will vote against.


Since flying on the airlines has sucked over the past couple of years, driving and road trips have become far more enjoyable. Except, now they are getting stupid expensive. Cost of gasoline has DOUBLED [1]. That means, when it comes to driving to work, we are spending twice as much, just to drive to work. That doesn’t include any other driving. But that’s not it.

Gas prices also effect the goods you buy! All the crap at Walmart and the groceries at HEB and Kroger. All that produce has to be driven from the farm, to a processing facility, and then to a distribution center, and then, finally, to your local grocery store. All that driving requires gas. Thus, the increase in FOOD costs.

If you care about the poor, you should care about this!

Now, which politician makes this WORSE?

Robert Francis O’Rourke (Beto) – Gas Prices

Let’s start with the Challenger, and give him the first crack at it. Well, before we even see what political crap he’s peddling, we need to address something: the Spanish nickname “Beto” by a fourth-generation Irish American of non-Hispanic parents. That is already a “fake as f*ck politician (FAFP) ” red flag. Just for this social ethnic trickery, I’m going to give him his first red flag. He is just some scrowney rich white dude with a massive egotistical and collectivist white savior sydrome of Texas.


From his website and public comments, he is a member of the Climate Change leftist cult. Climate change is a scary evil threat to us all so we need to force everyone to comply with our climate policy… is essentially what we believes. He wants to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. His statement Empowering the EPA to exercise oversight of those harming the environment, particularly drilling, fracking, and pipeline construction is code for over-regulate and obstruct. That’s a big NOPE for me.


This also means he supports the Federal Government’s increase in EPA regulations and the expanded size of the federal government (comes with an increase on gov. spending and taxes over time) over the authority and autonomy of the The State of Texas…


Actually the deep and wide rabbit hole he would take us would not and does not end well. I could dig deeper into some of the realistic possible consequences of his energy police and find several more red flags, but I won’t.

Gregg Abbott – Gas Prices

Gregg Abbott has advocated for increased drilling and increased oil production, in Texas. He has also signed off on the legislation that build and maintain the lower-efficient wind turbines and solar fields. We know for a fact, MATH, that this policy would work at drastically lowering the gas prices… if allowed to by the Feds… This policy does NOT get a red flag because it fucking works.

oh but you’re going to destroy the environment” LOL STFU loser, you forget about CHINA and INDA, DGAF about your Climate Change Cult. They, together, are the world leaders in pollution, not even counting the US. “We” the US, aren’t going to make a dent in that lol. I’m far from a Climate Change denier, in fact, the opposite is true; climate change is real and is ever changing… with or with out humanity, just ask the dinosaurs. Next.

Lowering gas prices HELP THE POOR. Keeping energy taxes low, HELPS THE POOR. Minimizing government regulations helps increase supply and competition, which lowers the prices, which HELPS THE POOR.

Hot Wheels gets a thumbs up from me for Energy Policy. Robert epically fails with 3+ an ungodly amount of red flags if I kept digging into his trash totalitarian hard-left policy. And this does effect and relate to the next area of concern:


Gas prices are just one part of this issue. Food costs, housing costs, energy costs, travel costs, merchandise costs, every single cost you can think of is all effected by inflation. And most fucking morons don’t even really understand it.

Let me put it like this: A massive diamond nugget. Why is that dirty ass rock from the ground worth so much? SUPPLY and DEMAND. The Supply aspect boosts the “value” because it is HARD to get, from the ground, then to find one and buy it in the market place. Because IT is so rare (supply), people are willing to spend a hell of a lot more for it (demand). But, what if there were massive diamonds at every corner store, even sold in a huge open bin in Walmart… and everyone owned like 30 huge diamonds. They are so common that people throw them away… how much do you think they would be worth then, if the supply was so great and there wasn’t much a demand? Jack shit. Now, replace “diamond” with “US Dollar.” The Federal Reserve just prints out money like crazy. Everyone has money. It’s easy to get it because everyone has it. Banks are trying to give it away, and you and me are just losing dollar bills like it’s nothing. The “value” of the dollar is INFLATED. And it keeps INFLATING as we print more and more; far faster than the demand of the goods and services to use it. The US Dollar is NOT backed by gold. The US Dollar value is solely based on how many bills are in circulation and how many people have and use it.

With that said, for example, the 40 BILLION DOLLARS being PRINTED and sent to the Ukraine, just gets added to the US debt because the US DOES NOT HAVE THE CAPITAL TO BACK IT UP. They are just printing money and not waiting for the demand to catch up. So, here we are. Everything is stupid expensive now because there are trillions of printed dollars in circulation, the dollar is worth less than it used to be, therefore needs MORE to equal the same value.

Robert Francis O’Rourke (Beto) – INFLATION

So, what is Feto’s plan (“F”eto is on purpose, FAFP+Beto)? Well, he doesn’t have one, per se. He’s own website doesn’t even list the issue of inflation [2] and his lap dog “news” sites don’t even mention it either lol [3]. I guess when you are that rich, you don’t have to worry about it (yet). This is a Red Flag.


But, since he is clearly a typical leftists cult like democrat, we can safely assume he is all about “taxing the rich,” raise minimum wages to like 20 dollars an hour, more government regulation of prices, you know, all the socialist shit that historically fails. After all, the ideas he does present falls directly in line with semi-communist and leftist socialists… and THAT is


But, that’s all I can determine, given his lack of details regarding what EXACTLY he would do to combat inflation.

Gregg Abbott – INFLATION

Since he has been Governor for so long, it is easy to find interviews and comments he makes on just about every issue.

He addressed the issue of the SUPPLY CHAIN that directly relates to supply/demand issues [4] – which is directly related to inflation. At least he has a plan the CAN directly improve the supply chain issue and help reduce the costs of goods, thus influence the reduction in inflation.

But, that stupid fuck did LOCKDOWN everyone and forced the CLOSURE of businesses. All those supply chain and logistics personnel and companies were impacted and effected. His hands aren’t clean. Maybe he learned NOT to fuck with the supply chain, I don’t know, I couldn’t find where he said he would never do that again. That was a massive authoritarian move, and instead of resisting it, he enforced it. That’s worthy of more than 1 Red flag

🚩🚩🚩RED FLAG #1, #2, and #3

But, he does want to boost energy production, wants to speed up supply chain disruption and use and expand the port of Houston; all those are at least some form of a positive plan to fight inflation. But, sadly, there are some things that only the Feds can do.


Now, what in the hell is going on here? If Texas is so cheap, why the hell, how the hell, are we having property taxes constantly increasing? WHY are you dumbass people electing the same local trash the keeps raising your taxes?! The typical excuse is because Texas doesn’t have a state income tax (good). So this some how gives politicians the excuse to raise your property tax and sales taxes… instead of being more financially responsible. Lucky for Texas, and in their great wisdom, a Balanced Budget REQUIRMENT is in the Texas Constitution.

And yet, the state of Texas has a slush fund of unspent tax dollars. Then, why are property taxes going up?

Look no further than Harris trash County and that counties absolute waste, mismanagement, and corruption of the people’s money. Yet, they keep re-electing Lina The Corrupt Moron Hidalgo who just diverts taxes to her buddies, such as the 11 million dollar contract to a shell company of a democrat operative. 2 of her closest staffers were indited by a grand jury related to it!

Robert Francis O’Rourke (Beto) – Property Taxes

So what does Feto bring to the table? Look no further than his campaign site: “I will ensure wealthy corporations pay what they truly owe” LOL WTF does that mean? He’s going to tax the shit out of the companies that provide employment, goods, and services to Texans… WTF do you think those companies are going to do IF their taxes go up… THEIR PRICES will go up too… smh… His plan will literally make goods and services costs go up… just like inflation… stupid illogical plan.


But, his site just keeps rambling on. ” When I’m governor, the state government will pay what it owes our families in school funding, meaning lower property taxes for all of us” The state will pay our families??? WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THE MONEY FOR THE STATE COMES FROM… THOSE VERY SAME FAMILIES… Their taxes! lol But, his idiocy doesn’t stop there: “When I’m governor, we will finally do the fiscally responsible, commonsense thing and expand Medicaid, reducing the property taxes that we pay to cover indigent care” EXPAND a TAX PAYER FUNDED program… that would require MORE TAX REVENUE to expand it… and the only way for governments to do that, is to INCREASE TAXES. LOL So many RED FLAGS but I am just having fun with this stupidity at this point. Ah, but then this: “When we legalize marijuana, we’ll bring in billions of dollars in new state revenue...” Well, to test that theory we can look no further than Colorado. Colorado only brings in less than half a billion [5]… his statement is a made up figure LOL Do/should we legalize Marijuana? HELL YEAH, but… his figure is just typical political bullshit, for that, he gets a red flag. Sorry “billions” in revenue annually is not realistic… or honest.


The majority of his website is just made up of trashing political opponents and then slapping some leftist propaganda talking points in there with no real thought or realistic solutions… This should be a red flag too, but Ill let this one go as well.

Gregg Abbott – Property Taxes

Just a quick search and I was able to find a very thought out and comprehensive plan [6]. Too intelligent for Feto to publish I guess.

A Tax rate CAP! YES, thank you! CAP THAT SHIT! Find other ways, use your damn brains, to think of other ways to provide government services and NOT be so damn dependent on Property Taxes, or taxes in general! Spending other people’s money is too easy.

Prevent politicians from approving UNFUNDED measures and programs. WTF is this not in the Texas Constitution to begin with?!

Make Appraisal District Directors electable? Fucking genius.

And his plan goes on and on with some really good stuff. So good its too good to be true, which is why most of this has never and will never be actually passed and implemented.

But, I can’t fault him for trying and sharing solutions openly in the market place of ideas. And after reading through his plan, I can’t find any red flags that would be problematic for property taxes. Read it for yourself [6].


The Good’ol boy Police system in Texas needs to die out already. Dumb fat elected country hick sheriffs and their hand picked henchmen needs to be crushed at the ballot box. Houston County for example, dumb fucking trash hick cops that railroad the poor in their own community. Then, in Harris county, the trash Judges’ just letting violent people out on PR bonds to go murder more people… HOUSTON had a higher HOMICIDE RATE than Chicago, and is currently 2nd place, under Chicago, for violent crimes! that’s been going on for years and dumbass people in Houston keep re-electing those Judges that put THEIR LIVES AT RISK lol. Can’t make that shit up. Need to STOP criminalizing MENTAL ILLNESS. Yo, some of these poor people such a bad mental illness that they can’t function in a mentally healthy society, and PRISON IS NOT FOR THEM…

Robert Francis O’Rourke (Beto) – Criminal Justice Reform

Reading his platform just made me want to throw up rainbows. He just says generic feel-good platitudes that no one would disagree with, such as: “I believe Texans will be safest when our justice system treats everyone equally under the law” No fucking shit. But then he says this “…services that prevent crime before it happens and give families the tools to lead good lives and give back to our communities” Now here is an opportunity. My “tool” that helps me “lead a good life” is my ability to conceal carry a firearm. And just like that, bam, he hates me lol. There goes that platitude. That’s a red flag fail.


Here is (another) idea I think I can agree with: “…address violent crime when we decriminalize poverty and mental illness.” I get where he is going with this, but he is an epic failure on explaining how exactly he is going to do this. Then he makes another typical general no-shit no-one-disagrees platitude: “We must ensure that law enforcement agencies have the appropriate resources at their disposal to investigate and prosecute these crimes and bring justice to victims.” They do, they are like little militarized government Minions with straight up Assault tanks, weapons of war, and full body arm… to be used against the INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY poor people. They don’t need more “resources,” they need better human beings, moral, ethical, humans, as cops… this vague plan, was a miss, and due to the concept of more money (your taxes) and more resources (military grade shit) to the police; that’s a no-go for me.


But, finally, something of substance: “…funding better forensic technology; equipping more social workers and crisis counselors to handle challenges like homelessness and substance abuse so that police can focus their time and resources on violent crimes; and reducing court backlogs by diverting non-violent cases involving mental health and addiction challenges to diversion courts.” Now THIS I can get behind. But, the “funding” clearly will come from an INCREASE IN TAXES… more “social workers” and “crisis counselors” need to get paid too, which means an INCREASE IN TAXES. But, Diversion Courts is an idea… except, we will need Judges for those courts, and district attorney’s as well… all of which, get paid by YOU, the tax payer… the idea is an interesting one, and needed one, but the additional cost will fall on YOU. But, because I actually feel strongly about this, it won’t be a red flag, but I can see it being a red flag for others.

We need to talk about his gun ban statements. There are at a minimum two red flags with this. First, he flip flopped about gun control as the political climate changed. He is not a principled person. If it is unpopular in his base, he is against it. If it is popular with his base, he is for it; but if what is popular becomes unpopular, he will flip flop. Truth and principles don’t matter to him, only public opinion. I can’t use a quote from him about gun control because I wouldn’t know if he will flip flop on it later. That makes him unprincipled and unreliable. Secondly, he later stated he wants to steal (confiscate) non-criminal people’s means of self-defense against homicidal government oppression or criminal behavior. A literal tactic that every major dictator or communist chairman has done before committing genocide and democide.

Then I get the stupid fuck question: “What do you need an assault rifle for?” Well, first of all, go fuck yourself, I don’t answer to you and it’s none of your business. What size penis pump do you use and how long have you been suffering with ED? LOL I wouldn’t expect a honest answer to such a personal question. Second of all, you uneducated clump of cells, I own rifles, and none of them are “assault” until I am forced to defend myself. Assault is a verb, an action, not the name of a gun. They are just an Armalite Rifle for hunting wild bore and deer, or defending myself from a military style armored truck and 10 government employed oppressors armed with weapons of war coming to kick down my door in an attempt to force my compliance or ship me off to a re-education/concentration camp.

Then I hear the typical stupid fuck rebuttal: “But you’re not going to win against the US government with your rifle.” Oh, but I thought it was a mean, scary, weapon of war? There are plenty of people out there that would band together, trust me. Also, the Taliban on horses and old as shit Russian weaponry defeated the US. America couldn’t squash and stamp out the Taliban while they were half way in the stone age already. The Vietcong, during the Vietnam war, weren’t tech heavy either. US got beat by them too. Even the FBI and ATF didn’t have the ability to beat the Branch Davidians in Waco, so, they burned the building down and murdered everyone, women and children.

Then their Statism tribalist Allegiance comment/statement comes out: “We, the American people, would never allow that; your weapon of war is not necessary.” See, a statist clump of uneducated cells would think that about government. Except, America, oppressed and tried to kill of the Native Americans. Americans allowed for Japanese Internment Camps only 75+ years ago. American government struggled to grant Africans American‘s equality, 100 years after the civil war. American police in the south enforced Jim Crow laws only 60+ years ago. American police, along with citizens, burned and literally bombed “Black Wallstreet” in Greenwood District, Tulsa, Oklahoma; which has been known as the Tulsa Race Massacre. Hell, even the The Tuskegee experiment, where 600 African American men in Macon County, Alabama were coerced into an experiment administered by  U.S. Public Health Service (PHS). They were injected with syphilis to study it’s effects and attempt all sorts of new treatments; some of which they were not told about. They were not allowed to be treated by anyone and the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) watched them die so their bodies could be studied. Government is amoral and humanity can be immoral. This is why I will always maintain a weapon of war. I have hit on this topic in more detail here.

🚩RED FLAG #10 & 11

Gregg Abbott – Criminal Justice Reform

This is huge: “Greg Abbott championed a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision (District of Columbia v. Heller) that struck down a handgun ban and protected an individual’s right to bear arms while he was Texas’ Attorney General” That is one of the biggest court rulings of our lifetime. He as part of that. Because I feel (I know) self-defense is a HUMAN RIGHT issue, this was a big win for HUMAN RIGHTS. Then, “As Governor, Greg Abbott expanded 2nd Amendment rights, signing into law “campus carry” and “open carry.”” Which I feel are huge criminal justice issue, because, the use of deadly self-defense help clean the streets from stupid fucking criminal morons that the police and court system clearly suck at. Uvalde proved this. Police were useless piles of shit. The school’s resource officer was nowhere to be found (hopefully they fired that fucking loser). And not a single teacher was able to defend those kids…

He lists a lot of details about things that he has done, with some hype words, I get it, politics, but actions none-the-less.

But the real impressive doozy is his Securing Texas Plan. [read it here, 8] (why can’t Beto create this sort of super detailed policies?). This is a fucking win. SOLD. Shut up and take my [tax] money! I honestly couldn’t find any real red flags. Besides his almost bootlicking mentality of law enforcement, but, that should be expected… hes a government politician. Fuck it, that’s a red flag.



Okay, here we go… if born males can become womxn and get pregnant, THIS BORN MALE, me, can have an opinion about something I HELP CREATE – which is another HUMAN LIFE. Yes, a fetus is a SEPARATE (unique human DNA) LIFE apart from the mother or father. Yes, it is IT’S OWN LIFE, within the mother’s womb. Any and ALL argument as to why a fetus is not a human life, can also be applied to a 2 day old INFANT… you gunna kill 2 day old infants? WHY NOT? Because they a fucking human life. It’s developing (so are you until age 25-sh). It’s dependent on it’s host (so are losers who live in their parents basements, and 2 day old infant babies). It has fewer cells (so days a 2 day old infant). It doesn’t have all its organs fully functioning (neither does a 2 day old infant). See… I can go on and on pointing out that the arguments for abortion… can also justify killing a 2 day old infant and so on. A fetus is a fucking human life you sick selfish homicidal infanticidal sick fucks.

A pre-born defenseless vulnerable Black Female needs a voice! I would think Beto, being all woke and #BlackLivesMatter would want to defend defenseless vulnerable Black Female in all shapes, sizes, and ages… but… boy am I wrong. He is all for killing defenseless vulnerable Black Female in the smallest shape, size, and youngest… crazy… I am against that shit.

Robert Francis O’Rourke (Beto) – Abortion

He calls it “Reproductive Freedom” and he is a male, who has an opinion on this matter… so don’t tell me I can’t. My question to him is, should the killing of the youngest non-consenting defenseless vulnerable Black Female in the smallest shape, and size even be a fucking choice??? Who’s freedom is he talking about? Because it is literally MAXIMIZING OPPRESSION though preventing LIFE of another person. And he says: “It couldn’t be more clear that this isn’t about life; it’s about controlling women.” LOL he’s right, it’s not about LIFE, though it should be, it IS about controlling [pre-born] women… by preventing their birth and ending their life.

Obviously, the advocation and desire to kill the youngest non-consenting defenseless vulnerable Black Female in the smallest shape, and size is a ultimate and massive red flag for me…


Gregg Abbott – Abortion

Well, we all know what he has done with passing some of the laws he has passed. No complaint here, except, more needs to be done to FIGHT FOR and DEFEND the youngest defenseless vulnerable Black Female in the smallest shape, and size in someone else’s (the mother) womb. No red flags here.


There is a lot of misinformation and propaganda with this topic. But, let’s just consider the facts. People of other countries, that are NOT at civil war, but have high crime, are being paid and receive supplies from immigration non-profits to travel to the US. The information they receive about the US border is that once they get in, they can stay. They want a better life and more luxury. It sounds like an opportunity for a better life. That’s the simple explanation. The consequences and looking deeper into the details is what we need to be doing. They don’t want to band together and reform and fix their own country. Instead, they’d rather just pack their bags and leave. They don’t care about laws. They break their own countries laws, the laws of all the countries they travel through, and then US immigration law and Federal Laws. And those who prove them to be selfish and irresponsible are all the millions of people who immigrated to the US legally and are still going through the legal process, legally.

Do border walls work? I don’t know, but we can see how Congress and politicians think just by how they act. All their massive homes are surrounded by walls in their GATED neighborhoods. In fear of We The People, congress erected large walls all around the capital. Even in prisons, I really don’t see people scaling the walls and escaping all that often. So, yes, walls work; if maintained.

What is trash, is the US Immigration system. No one applies the law, all the laws, equally. Some politicians will enforce in part, then the next president will ignore that law and enforce different parts of the law. The generalized and vague application of the law allows for this “open door” idea. It’s all a mess and no one has the courage to fix it.

Border Crime

The consequences are horrific and will be tragic in the future. Children are literally being sex trafficked, facilitated by this trash immigration enforcement, under control by the Cartels. Children. Daily. The war on drugs is a massive failure, largely in-part to the “open border.” The Cartels are making a killing, money and dead bodies, with being able to smuggle so much drugs into the US. Actual ISIS Terrorists have come across the border, and the FBI is aware of them. AND the caravans that travel through Mexico are a drain on the resources in those regions before ever making it to the US. Women in the caravans are raped by Cartel members even. These are all facts. All because the border is not secure and immigration policy encourages this.

This is the most sickening part, to me, and much like Abortion, THIS is why immigration is important to me as well. We need to do more for those poor women and children, we need to shut down the cartels, and we need to STOP and PREVENT entry into the US by terrorist… not sure why this is so political…

Robert Francis O’Rourke (Beto) – Immigration

Of course this weakling is all for illegal immigration rights and amnesty. He’s entire goal is to appeal to the Hispanic population. It is a political strategy considering he isn’t even Hispanic. Thus, he looks at 1 Hispanic person and has a collective prejudice about that Hispanic person and how all Hispanic people should think and feel. He literally TELLS Hispanic people what they should care about. And, well, it works. Uneducated immigrants do listen closely to a US politician promising them stuff. He is like the Al Sharpton of the leftist Hispanics; a ghetto pimp and race [ethnic] baiter, with subtilty.

This statement is very concerning to me: “…develop the immigration and border security reforms that will allow us to have a legal, orderly system of immigration and uphold our country’s asylum laws.” This is a subtle admission that he has no plan… just political key words. That’s a Red Flag.


In fact, for being a border state, and as a rep from a border town, his Border & Immigration statement is one of the shortest, most vague and general statement on his whole site. How can that be? He should be an expert and have a plan that would work given his life long expertise, right? Well, this isn’t the case apparently. That also reflects poor leadership. Anyone can be a face and a mouth piece, but not everyone are good at being leaders. That’s another red flag.


No, he does not give a plan for all the crime at the border (just those vague, general, political talking point key words)… but explicitly opposed the use of Texas National Guard units to secure the border. He is only detailed when it comes to attacks, but not detailed when it comes to solutions. Typical obnoxious pot-shirring, divisive, partisan political trash that has plagued America for generations now… it’s the same partisan ideologue just with a new face.


Greg Abbott – Immigration

It is clear, Greg Abbott actually has a plan. Immigration and border issues are in his Securing Texas Plan. Now, just having a plan doesn’t mean its better, but having a plan is off to a better start than not having one at all.

His plan is to boost border personnel and surveillance. He had already sent Texas National Guard and State Troopers to the border but, when a crowd of 10,000 people crash into 20 officers, they still don’t stand a chance. It is an additional something to help put more eyes and ears at the border. But, sadly, it’s not an effective deterrent. They are still flooding in. But this doesn’t amount to a red flag because it is genuine effort and action taken that could and should under normal circumstances secure the border. Except, this is a CRISIS now. Children are being trafficked, raped, and some killed and just go missing… children…

E-Verify is one of the best tools as well. Employers can use to determine the immigration status of their potential employee. That way citizens can get first dibs at jobs. But, here we go with the typical moronic robotic NPC leftist open borders argument: “But they take jobs most American’s don’t want. “ That is a cute talking point that they mindlessly regurgitate, but they have never seen the show Dirty Jobs. Not all those people doing those dirty ass jobs are Hispanic. And if American’s need money, they will work for it. That argument is a slap in the face of hard-working Americans made by elitist snobs who just prejudicially judge people. Most of the landscapers I know, are white dudes. A lot of the cooks I have known, were not Hispanic. Moron elitists in the south just think the rest of the US is like their southern border state. It’s not. There ain’t that many Hispanics in North Dakota, for example, to do the landscaping, cooking, and all the other sort of jobs lefties claim immigrants do because American’s wont.

However, I find it hard to believe that Greg Abbott can’t do more.


Robert Francis O’Rourke (Beto)15 🚩RED FLAGS

Gregg Abbott – 4 🚩RED FLAGS

I’m not Republican and most Republicans are partisan tribalistic morons. I don’t limit myself to any one party. BUT, on an individual level, not a party level, I looked at the individual goals, plans, and statements:

The WORST candidate is BETO, so that’s who I’m going to vote AGAINST.

Additional Research and Sources:


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