North Korea and the CDC

American Science and North Korea Science. . What’s the difference? . Well, there isn’t. The CDC loosely follows actual Science, then interprets and manipulates the findings to fit an ideology… . Just like North Korean scientists. . The information is distorted to manipulate their populations to think and feel the way their governments want theirContinue reading “North Korea and the CDC”

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2022

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2022   Mark your calendars, losers. 2/22/22 is coming, but how are we going to celebrate this once in a life time moment? 2, two, can represent just about anything. Chug 2 beers, sleep with 2 other people at the same time, throw back 2 shots, give a Stripper 2 dollar billsContinue reading “Tuesday, February 2nd, 2022”

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