Enemies of Liberty, How Do You Know Who Is?

Never thought this day would come, in my life time, but historically, this day was coming. The day when we would have to separate friend from foe, ally and enemy. What is the worthy and JUSTIFIED dividing factor? Freedom and Liberty. It’s that simple. Are YOU for or against freedom and liberty? The same rallyContinue reading “Enemies of Liberty, How Do You Know Who Is?”

My Convo with NPC No. 9

I was all excited to have a live debate and discussion with someone who was willing to go back and forth with me regarding Abortion. Even if they were just an NPC and just regurgitated the typical leftist talking points like a mindless slave. It was fun, exciting, entertaining, and eye opening, for everyone (exceptContinue reading “My Convo with NPC No. 9”

The Last Remnants of Power for the Average American

The three absolute most powerful “things” the American people have left is 1) Sitting on a jury, 2) voting in local, state, and federal elections, and 3) guns, in case 1 and 2 are taken away. And the reason why the first two are powerful is they are the only means to civilly and actuallyContinue reading “The Last Remnants of Power for the Average American”

Guns, Laws, and Crime; with Logic and Facts

Man, so much hurt, pain, loss, and illogical, irrational, uncontrollable emotions being spewed everywhere, from all sides. I get it. I’ve personally experienced the loss of friends to guns. I get it. So, I am going to analyze the data and come to a definitive stance for where I stand with Gun Rights and GunContinue reading “Guns, Laws, and Crime; with Logic and Facts”

The US Education System

I am an outsider, looking in. I went to public school, grew up, and now have friends who are teachers, administrators, and parents of children who attend public school. I hire or not hire individuals with their education considered. I am NOT ignorant about what is going on. With that said, let me dive rightContinue reading “The US Education System”

North Korea and the CDC

American Science and North Korea Science. . What’s the difference? . Well, there isn’t. The CDC loosely follows actual Science, then interprets and manipulates the findings to fit an ideology… . Just like North Korean scientists. . The information is distorted to manipulate their populations to think and feel the way their governments want theirContinue reading “North Korea and the CDC”

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2022

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2022   Mark your calendars, losers. 2/22/22 is coming, but how are we going to celebrate this once in a life time moment? 2, two, can represent just about anything. Chug 2 beers, sleep with 2 other people at the same time, throw back 2 shots, give a Stripper 2 dollar billsContinue reading “Tuesday, February 2nd, 2022”

Other Social Media

Bored of Facebook? Tired of tweeting? There are quite a few alternative social media companies out there. You don’t hear about it, NOT because people aren’t using them, BUT because the dominate media companies DON’T mention them. Here, I will review all the OTHER social media sites for you. First lets talk about the controversialContinue reading “Other Social Media”

This Week In Review

Okay, so maybe not just a week. More like all the crazy shit that has been going on for about a month or so: cohvead, project veritaz bombshells, debt ceiling, immigration, Let’s Go Brandon, inflation, gas prices, OMG I can keep going. But, check out my quick overview and opinions on those in “This WeekContinue reading “This Week In Review”

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